2007 Paintings
Works Before 1996
2005 Work 2013-2015 work merle mainelli poulton
1996 Work 2000 Work Fragments of Sappho
2006 Work
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The Aeneid Series
2007 Work
1998 Work 2002 Work
Artist Information
1999 Work 2003 Work
Sculptural Work
2011 work
2007 Selected Paintings
Battle With Paint Series   2005-present
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2007 Drawings
    Initiated in 2005-present, these abstract personifications interact by way of conflict, attraction, action and reaction.
While working on the Iliad Series in the early 2000's, as a respite, my attention often gazed down to the pallette; a much more appealing visual than war.
I envisioned each paint color as a god or soldier and engaged them to surround, touch, unify, dilute, segregate, and transform. Each color had purpose juxtaposed to its neighbor. Ancient Greeks personified feelings and actions so that squiggly markings, 'words', could be understood.
[example: "Dawn with her rosy fingers...", "Ruin is strong and sound on her feet...", "Then Sleep the still and soft spoke..."]
Contemporary Emojis are visual personifications that invoke and project feelings.
The experimental works on paper and formal color VS color paintings are direct.
The action of painting exerts mental, physical, psychological and spiritual energies that a gestural line can harness.

An extension of this series, appropriately titled Theogony works within the original myth struggles of hierarchy within the world of the gods.

Hesiod 700BCE, an ancient western philosopher compiled Theogony, the first chronological composite of the creation myths that defined all primary gods in our universe.
These myths tried to make sense of humanity's origin.

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